From Pregnancy to Preschool: Raising Godly Children in a Busy World

Let’s embark on a journey together – the journey of raising Godly children in a world that sometimes feels like a whirlwind. Trust me… I know. I have 4 of my own and as of 2023, ranging from 17 to 10. 

The weight of this privilege is not lost on me and Jen.

In Deuteronomy 6:6-7, it says, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” 

This verse paints a beautiful picture of how we can weave faith into our everyday lives.

Begin with Love:

From the moment you find out you’re expecting, let love be your guiding light. Speak words of love and affirmation to your little one, even before they’re born. Let them feel the warmth of your love from the very start. Words are so powerful and can change atmospheres both external and internal. So, declare the words of God over your child.

Play, Learn, and Pray Together:

As your child grows, make playtime a time of learning and prayer. Point out the wonders of creation, teach them about the animals, and let them know that all this beauty is a gift from a loving Creator. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead us as we guide our children. To open our eyes to learning and teaching opportunities, parenting in both grace and truth.

Bedtime Blessings:

Turn bedtime into a sacred moment. This is one of my favourite times of the day. Share about our day, what we’re thankful for, sharing a prayer and as awkward as it may be for them as siblings, to say a prayer for each other. It’s funny what you hear. 

Tuck them in with a heart full of God’s love. It’s a beautiful way to end the day and let them drift off to sleep knowing they’re safe in God’s hands. It’s a privilege that not everyone can experience, let alone truly value.

Embrace Stories

Books are like treasure chests filled with adventures and lessons. Fill your child’s bookshelf with engaging Bible storybooks. Explore tales of courage, kindness, and the wonders of God’s creations. Let these stories become a part of their growing hearts.

Walk and Talk with God:

As a family, we love walks. I try to make it more than an exercise. Point out the panorama around you – the trees, the flowers, the sky and away from the screens. Let your child know that all of this is a gift from God, a reminder of His love.

The Power of Simple Prayers:

Teach your child that prayer doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s simply talking to God, sharing your joys, worries, and dreams. Encourage them to pray for their family, their friends, and the world around them.

Be Their First Faith Mentor:

You are your child’s first teacher about faith. Let them see you reading your Bible, praying, and living out your faith. Your actions will speak volumes and become the foundation of their own faith journey.

Answer Their Questions with Patience:

As your child grows, they’ll have questions about God, about life, about the world. Take the time to answer with patience and love. It’s through these conversations that their faith will grow and deepen.

Surround Them with a Supportive Community:

Being part of a church community provides your child with a support system. It’s a place where they can learn, grow, and find friends who share their faith journey.

Let Love Guide Your Discipline:

Discipline is part of parenting, but let it come from a place of love, not anger. Let your child understand that rules are there to keep them safe and teach them valuable lessons. This way, they’ll come to associate love and guidance with their faith.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Our community at Resurrection Life Church is here to support you. Together, let’s raise children who know the love of God, who walk in faith, and who carry the light of His love into the world. 🌟

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