Leaving a Legacy of Faith: Raising Children who Love God and Serve Others

Let’s dive into a topic that’s close to my heart: leaving a legacy of faith for our children. Ephesians 6:4 gently advises, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” This verse reminds us of the profound impact we have in shaping our children’s faith. I’m often very encouraged to see many of our children serving and volunteering at our services. I truly believe that there is a special blessing when families serve together and are participators in church, not just spectators. 

Planting Seeds of Faith:

Being part of Resurrection Life Church means your child is surrounded by a community that values faith. From the tender age, they’re immersed in an environment that nurtures their spiritual growth. 

Learning Through Play and Service:

Children learn best when they’re engaged. Resurrection Life Church provides family-oriented programs where kids not only play and have fun but also learn about compassion, service, and the love of God.

Developing a Heart for Others:

Involvement in church programs exposes children to the needs of others. They learn the joy of giving, of reaching out to those less fortunate, and of being a light in the world.

Building Lasting Friendships:

In our family-oriented programs, your child forms bonds with others who share their faith journey. These friendships become a source of support, encouragement, and a reminder that they’re not alone in their faith.

Encouraging Kindness and Compassion:

Through activities like community service projects and outreach events, your child learns the importance of kindness and compassion. They begin to understand the impact a small act of love can have on someone’s life. My prayer for my own 4 kids is that they will grow to love, honour and encourage each other with care and kindness for others.

Discovering Their Unique Gifts:

Resurrection Life Church offers a variety of programs and activities, allowing your child to discover their unique talents and gifts. Whether it’s music, art, or service, they find their place in the larger family of faith.

Fostering a Sense of Belonging:

In our church community, your child experiences a sense of belonging. They know they’re valued, loved, and an essential part of the family. This sense of belonging forms a strong foundation for their faith.

Encouraging Questions and Exploration:

In our programs, children are encouraged to ask questions, to explore their faith, and to seek understanding. This environment fosters a sense of curiosity and a deeper connection to their spiritual journey.

Learning the Power of Prayer:

Through prayer circles and moments of reflection, your child learns the power of prayer. They understand that they can turn to God with their joys, their worries, and their dreams.

Instilling Values That Last a Lifetime… and beyond:

In Resurrection Life Church, your child is surrounded by teachings and activities that instill values of love, kindness, integrity, and faith. These values become the guiding light in their journey through life.

Embracing Diversity:

Our church community in Calamvale is a tapestry of diverse backgrounds and cultures. Your child learns the beauty of acceptance, of embracing differences, and of celebrating the rich tapestry of God’s creation.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy:

By being part of Resurrection Life Church, you’re not only enriching your child’s life now, but you’re leaving a legacy of faith that will shape their journey for years to come. When culture tends to veer towards the negative, we have the power to anchor our children’s faith and values so firmly that even as they drift, they can only go so far. We believe that the Holy Spirit is our greatest counselor who leads, guides and directs us.

In Calamvale, our church community believes in the power of family, faith, and service. Together, we’re raising children who love God and serve others, leaving a legacy of compassion and faith. Let’s continue to walk this path together, knowing that we’re stronger as a family of faith. 🌟

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